A wonderfully illustrated tale for young children "Little Star's Big Day" tells the story of how a hard working little star became the Christmas star. Although he is small and gives up easily he still always tries his best. This consistent attitude is what eventually causes him to shine above all the other stars. By being the best he could be he is surprised to find that he does win the competition and is selected to be the Christmas star. This is a great read for young children and young readers and a recommended purchase.
Harold McFarland, editor
Readers Preference Reviews
Midwest Book Reviews
Little Star hopes to win the big star contest set for December 25. When he discovers all the stars are as hopeful Little Star cries causing his points to rust. Little Star busies himself polishing, polishing, polishing and forgets all about checking to see what day it is. At last the heavens were astir, angels and prophets spent much time making notes and talking in hushed tones. Little Star has a special surprise waiting for him when he realizes what day it is.
In Little Star's Big Day a children's Christmas Story Writer Wohlford offers a fanciful tale of a small star living way out in the far reaches of the universe. Little Star's determination to be the best he can be despite long odds against winning is a good lesson for children of all ages. Little Star faces up to the pitfalls facing him, carries on and ultimately achieves his goal.
The tale of Little Star is one with which children can identify. Illustrator Schaefer's stars filling the pages of Little Star's Big Day a children's Christmas Story are sure to be child pleasing. All illustrations found in Little Star's Big Day a children's Christmas Story are ones children will enjoy.
Little Star's Big Day a children's Christmas Story is a nicely presented work with shiny, heavy pages which are needed if the book is to be considered for classroom or other 'much child' use. I believe this is the first Bookman Publication book I have received for review and am pleased to find it is a good sturdy product.
Vocabulary used in Little Star's Big Day a children's Christmas Story leads the book to being a 'read to' type work for younger children and all except the strongest readers in the 6-8 set.
Reviewed by: molly martin: http://www.angelfire.com/ok4/mollymartin
20+ years classroom teacher
This story was written in such a beautiful and eloquent manner. Children will delight in the star and all he goes through to be the brightest. Heather Leigh Schaefer has proven to be an excellent illustrator and her artistic talent is astounding. The illustrations literally leap off the page with their liveliness.
Children will be tickled by this book and parents will smile as they read along with their child. Of course, this story was written for Christmas but it would be wonderful for any time of the year. "Little Star's Big Day" serves as a perfect tool to teach children how to read and have a deeper appreciation for the stars. Furthermore, it's a unique way to teach children to accept themselves for who they are.
By Kimberly Hayes, author: http://thewriterskeep.com/writers/Hayes_Kimberly/home.htm