Message from Marty
With Serenity Retreat
(my house) nearing completion, I have created a separate site
with the current updates so it isn't cumbersome to download. These
are the early photos, primarily site development and cottage construction.
First there was Hurricane Frances, then
Jeanne threatened twice, but by the end of September, both structures
were up, with roofs dried in. Several photos show the progress...including
shots at Sampson Cay during Hurricane Frances. Note all the hurricane
straps...the structures are tied together from the roof to the
tie beam below, plus every place in-between. There was no damage
whatever to the structures, although I did have some water damage
on cabinets and flooring material that was triple-tarped along
on the road. Here's a comment from the insurance adjuster:
I was very impressed with
the flooring/roofing system. It looks like that can take
a Cat 5! This building is as "tight as a tick".
The engineering seems to have been done by someone
who had their house "blown away" before. Really,
really impressive!
Notice the green foliage before and the brown after the storm.
Thanks to my son, I lived in comfort aboard "Gang Run,"
his 43-foot Hatteras at Serenity dock until I could move ashore.
Here's the progress so far:
Click this next link to see photos to date on the